Bibliografie engelstalig

Books by Thomas Merton

compiled by Paul M. Pearson, Ph.D. 

US editions with date of first publication

Thirty Poems – New Directions 1944

A Man in the Divided Sea – New Directions 1946

Figures for an Apocalypse – New Directions 1948

Exile Ends in Glory – Bruce 1948*

The Seven Storey Mountain – Harcourt, Brace 1948*

Seeds of Contemplation – New Directions 1949

The Tears of the Blind Lions – New Directions 1949

The Waters of Siloe – Harcourt, Brace 1949*

What are These Wounds? – Bruce 1950*

The Ascent to Truth – Harcourt, Brace 1951*

The Sign of Jonas – Harcourt, Brace 1953*

Bread in the Wilderness – New Directions 1953*

The Last of the Fathers – Harcourt, Brace 1954*

No Man is an Island – Harcourt, Brace 1955*

The Living Bread – Farrar, Straus 1956*

Praying the Psalms – Liturgical Press 1956*

Silence in Heaven – Crowell 1956

The Silent Life – Farrar, Straus 1957*

The Strange Islands – New Directions 1957

Thoughts in Solitude – Farrar, Straus 1958*

The Secular Journal – Farrar, Straus 1959

Spiritual Direction and Meditation – Liturgical Press 1960*

God is My Life – Reynal 1960

Disputed Questions – Farrar, Straus 1960*

The Wisdom of the Desert – New Directions 1960*

The Behavior of Titans – New Directions 1961

The New Man – Farrar, Straus 1961*

News Seeds of Contemplation – New Directions 1961*

Original Child Bomb – New Directions 1962

A Thomas Merton – Reader Harcourt, Brace 1962

Life and Holiness – Herder 1963

Emblems of a Season of Fury – New Directions 1963

Seeds of Destruction – Farrar, Straus 1964*

Gandhi on Non-Violence – New Directions 1965*

The Way of Chuang Tzu – New Directions 1965*

Seasons of Celebration – Farrar, Straus 1965*

Raids on the Unspeakable – New Directions 1966*

Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander – Doubleday 1966*

Mystics and Zen Masters – Farrar, Straus 1967*

Cables to the Ace – New Directions 1968

Faith and Violence – Notre Dame 1968

Zen and the Birds of Appetite – New Directions 1968*

My Argument with the Gestapo – Doubleday 1969*

Climate of Monastic Prayer – Cistercian Publications 1969*

(Contemplative Prayer)

The Geography of Lograire  – New Directions 1969

Early Poems – Anvil Press 1971

Opening the Bible – Liturgical Press 1971

Contemplation in a World of Action – Doubleday 1971

Thomas Merton on Peace – McCall 1971

The Asian Journal – New Directions 1973*

He Is Risen – Argus 1975

Ishi Means Man – Unicorn Press 1976*

The Monastic Journey – Sheed, Andrews 1977

Collected Poems – New Directions 1977

Love and Living – FSG 1979*

The Non-Violent Alternative – FSG 1980*

The Literary Essays – New Directions 1981

Day of a Stranger – Gibbs M Smith 1981

Introductions East and West – Unicorn Press 1981

Woods, Shore, Desert – Museum of New Mexico Press 1982

A Vow of Conversation – FSG 1988

Thomas Merton in Alaska – New Directions 1989

Thomas Merton: Spiritual master – Paulist Press 1992

Springs of Contemplation – Farrar, Straus 1992*

Passion for Peace – Crossroad 1995

Thomas Merton: Essential Writings – Orbis Books 2000

Dialogues with Silence – Harper 2001*

The Inner Experience  – Harper 2003*

Seeking Paradise – Orbis Books 2003

Peace in a Post-Christian Era – Orbis Books 2004

In the Dark Before Dawn – New Directions 2005*

Cassian and the Fathers – Cistercian Pub. 2005

Cold War Letters – Orbis Books 2006

Pre-Benedictine Monasticism – Cistercian Pub. 2006

Introduction to Christian Mysticism – Cistercian Pub. 2008

A Life in Letters – Harper 2008

The Rule of St. Benedict – Cistercian Pub. 2009

Monastic Observances – Cistercian Pub. 2010*

The Life of the Vows – Cistercian Pub. 2012*

Selected Essays – Orbis 2013*

In the Valley of Wormwood – Cistercian Pub. 2013*

Thomas Merton: Early Essays – Cistercian Pub. 2015*

Charter, Customs and Constitutions of the Cistericans – Cistercian Pub. 2015*

Cistercian Fathers and Their Monastic Theology – Cistercian Pub. 2016*

Complete journals of Thomas Merton

Published by HarperSanFrancisco

Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation 1995* (1939-1941)

Entering the Silence : Becoming a Monk & Writer 1996* (1941-1952)

A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk’s True Life 1996* (1952-1960)

Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years 1996* (1960-1963)

Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in The Hermitage 1997* (1963-1965)

Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and The Hermitage  1997* (1966-1967)

The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey 1998* (1967-1968)

The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals 1999*

Selected letters – Published by Farrar Straus Giroux

The Hidden Ground of Love: Letters on Religious Experience and Social Concerns 1985*

The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends 1989*

The School of Charity: Letters on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction 1990*

The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers 1993*

Witness to Freedom : Letters in Times of Crisis  1994*

Other selected letters

Cooper, David D., ed. Thomas Merton & James Laughlin: Selected Letters. W.W. Norton. 1997

Faggen, Robert, ed. Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz. Farrar Straus Giroux. 1997

Samway, Patrick, ed. The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton. Notre Dame. 2015*

Scutchfield, Douglas, ed. The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor & Carolyn Hammer. UPK. 2014*

Tardiff, Mary, ed. At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton & Rosemary Radford Ruether. Orbis Books. 1995

Wild, Robert, ed. Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine De Hueck Doherty. Ave Maria Press. 2009*

Selected books about Thomas Merton

Apel, William. Signs of Peace: The Interfaith Letters of Thomas Merton. Orbis Books. 2006*

Cunningham, Lawrence S. Thomas Merton & the Monastic Vision. Eerdmans Publishing. 1999*

Forest, Jim. Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton. Orbis Books. 2008

Lipsey, Roger. Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton. New Seeds. 2006

Mott, Michael. The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton. Houghton Mifflin. 1984

Shannon, William H. Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story. Crossroad. 1992

Shannon, William H. Thomas Merton: An Introduction. St. Anthony Messenger Press. 2005*

Shannon, William H., Christine M. Bochen, Patrick F. O’Connell. The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia. Orbis Books. 2002


The Merton Annual: Studies in Culture, Spirituality & Social Concerns. Published annually.

The Merton Journal. Published by the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review. Published by the International Thomas Merton Society and the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University.


Breit, Marquita E., Patricia A. Burton, Paul M. Pearson, eds. ‘About Merton’: Secondary Sources 1945-2000: A Bibliographic Workbook. Louisville: Thomas Merton Foundation. 2002

Breit, Marquita E. and Robert E. Daggy, eds. Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography. New York: Garland. 1986

Burton, Patricia A. More Than Silence: A Bibliography of Thomas Merton. Lanham: Scarecrow Press. 2008


* Available as an electronic book

compiled by Paul M. Pearson, Ph.D.

The Thomas Merton Center    Bellarmine University

2001 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40205

Fall 2016
