Ter overweging

…it comes from the hand of God. It is first of all an acceptance of a task and a vocation in the world, in history and in time. In my…

Bibliografie engelstalig

…Published by the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review. Published by the International Thomas Merton Society and the Thomas Merton Center at…


…de camalduenzen, kartuizers, cisterciënzers, anglicaanse benedictijnen enz.: http://www.osb.org/ Uitgevers van monastieke tijdschriften en boeken: Benedictijns Tijdschrift: http://www.abdijvanegmond.nl/abdij-van-egmond/benedictijns-tijdschrift De Kovel: http://www.dekovel.org/home.html Cistercian Studies Quarterly: http://www.cistercian-studies-quarterly.org/ Collectania Cisterciensia: http://www.citeaux.net/collectanea/ Revue Citeaux: http://www.citeaux.org/…